The CEF ended 2014 on a great note, with many great achievements in saving millions of pounds and protecting the planet with our carbon savings.
To date CEF projects either in procurement, in construction or in operation are expected to provide £200m of infrastructure replacement that will create gross savings of c£40m pa and carbon savings of c160,000t pa.
2014 contained a number of firsts for the CEF. Northampton General Hospital’s CHP and biomass scheme was entirely funded by the Department of Health Energy Efficiency Fund and Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trusts CHP was our first EPC contract delivered on a PFI site which is great news because we now have a legal template to help Trusts with PFI buildings achieve cost and carbon savings.
Cheltenham General and Gloucestershire Royal was a two site, two stage project delivered under one procurement and the North West Ambulance Service project is a multiple small site scheme with a contract that allows an ongoing implementation of energy efficiency measures to its property portfolio.
IHEEM 2014
In October 2014, we made our presence known at IHEEM, UK’s largest trade exhibition for the health sector. The UK is seeing greater commitment toward the use of renewable sources of energy, with support from the ‘Big Six’ companies such as British Gas, EDF Energy and E.ON. Not only was Clive Nattrass, CEF’s CEO invited to speak at the VIP Conference, but we also had representation from the likes of Martyn Jeffrey:- Director of Estates from the Royal Free Hospital, Bronwen Vearncombe :- Associate Director, Senior Programme Lead, Wealth & Enterprise, Wessex Academic Health Science Network AND Property Problem Solver; and Brian Golding :– Energy Manager, York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to promote the excellent work being carried out by the CEF and our partners.
The CEF were also responsible for running the Energy and Sustainability Theatre, which was well presented and had a fantastic attendance. IHEEM will run again this year on the 20th and 21st October at Manchester Central, be sure to come along and see us!
IHEEM was definitely a great experience, but not the only one, we also had a good presence at Education Estates held in November, a smaller event, but nonetheless a conference worth mentioning.
The CEF also welcomed new staff on board and have proudly extended their pipeline to look forward to another great year ahead.