The Royal Berkshire Hospital NHS Foundation Trust - CEF

The Royal Berkshire Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

CEF first initiated the investment, development and operation of a combined heat and power plant for the Royal Berkshire Hospital in June 2011 and signed the project contract in April 2012. The new energy centre entered service in July 2013 and provides low-carbon heating, hot water and electricity, saving the Trust almost 3,900 tonnes of carbon a year and reducing carbon emissions by almost 26% over 15 years.

The Brief

The Royal Berkshire Hospital is part of the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust, which is a world-leading cancer centre specialising in diagnosis, treatment, care, education and research. Their ultimate vision was to minimise exposure to rising energy prices by delivering guaranteed energy provision with cost savings, carbon reduction and benefits to the local community, as well as dealing with the changing footprint of the site and a significant backlog issue.

The Project

The Royal Berkshire has partnered with CEF to upgrade the energy centre without shutdown and take care of operation, maintenance and lifecycle costs over a 15-year contract.

The plant uses an efficient reciprocating CHP to generate heat and power, taking base load operation for the hospital. The contract is delivered by Dalkia who put together an innovative CHP and funding package under the CEF standardised ESPContract.

The Benefits

This energy strategy will materially lower the Trust’s energy costs and carbon emissions with financial savings of over £15m and guaranteed CO2 savings of 3,900 tonnes a year.

This will help the Trust surpass its current sustainability targets. Grid electricity has been reduced by 85% providing the Trust with increased energy resilience and with predictably priced energy over the long term.

The new energy centre will be able to provide heat and power to the changing site layout and some new NHS developments.

Key Facts

  • The project will save the Royal Berkshire Hospital more than £1,000,000 pa, equivalent to hiring 24 new nurses a year.
  • The combined heat and power plant will reduce the hospital’s annual carbon footprint by 3,900 tonnes, which exceeds NHS targets.
  • Surplus energy will be used to supply neighbouring amenities on the hospital site.

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